Thursday, July 22, 2010

Food, Blah

I may be the furthest thing from a foodie (n; a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment, especially good food and drink) as you can get. Sure, I like to eat, but the only enjoyment I get from food is knowing that I will be able to climb the stairs thanks to the energy it provides me. Basically as long as I can stomach what I'm eating, I'm good. In college, I lived off of a salt-and-peppered piece of grilled chicken, a scoop of white rice, and a can of vegetables for every dinner. Bland and...healthy, I think.

I also have a meal that I always fall back on in case I'm not in the mood to put ANY effort into food prep: Kraft Easy Mac cups. Macaroni and Cheese is my 7th food group and I require at least one serving a week. There's just enough in these Easy Mac cups that fills me up which makes me a happy girl.

PS. Don't worry, I believe in healthy foods for any other meals.

[from] flickr

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