Sorry for the lame title, but I decided since "DIY Headboard" is exactly what I searched for on google when I was doing this project, I should go ahead and help anyone who may also be searching for the same thing.
When we left off, I was sitting around as my handyman did all of the dirty work.
He is using a jigsaw to cut out the pattern of the headboard that we choose, which according to the following picture, is the "Portman" style. (How do you even pronounce "Grosvenor"?)

After many lengthy discussions of measurements, tactics for drawing the pattern, and how to obtain maximum accuracy, we finally just dived into it, which allowed for a few mistakes and learning.
I knew the basic measurements of how tall and how wide I needed the headboard to be and also where I wanted the curves to start going up, but the curves ended up being the most difficult things to draw on the piece of wood. We finally configured a makeshift compass out of a pencil and string in order to make sure we were getting a perfect rounded edge. After everything was measured, the handyman used his handy dandy jigsaw tool and cut away. (Cue me blogging the previous post)
Sorry for a lack of photos, but the next few steps included spray glue bought at JoAnn's, padding (actually mattress pads - they were cheaper than the padding at JoAnn's) bought at Wal-Mart, and batting. We had the pattern cut out on the piece of wood, so we laid it down and sprayed it like crazy with spray glue and stuck the padding on first - egg crating
side down. We then sprayed on top of that and stuck the batting on.
The next part is probably similar to intermission. Since we were working at the handyman's house but the headboard belonged at my house, it had to be moved over there, BUT both of our cars were too tiny. Lucky for us we live in a town with golf carts and paths, so here's how we transported it.
And also how we secured headboard on said transportation.
Running joke? Extra wide load on the cart paths coming your way!
Handyman drove while I sat on the back hanging onto that headboard for dear life. We made it to my house with a few minutes to spare before my mom came home from school, so unfortunately it was no longer a surprise but mom just LOVED it! She just had to see what it was going to look like before we even put any of the fabric she had been coveting in the corner of her room for months was even stapled on.
How embarrassing, but I don't have any after pics. They'll come along in the next post :)
[from] here
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